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Crush real  Kubernetes  challenges. is a self-guided Kubernetes learning platform. It presents demanding hands-on challenges that simulate real Kubernetes issues.

This platform helps you enhance your Kubernetes skills through exploration and problem-solving.

Real kube clusters: 

These can range between one to three virtual machines.

Challenging problems.

Connect from local machine: 

Connect via kubeconfig or via SSH private key provided to you. is currently completely free of charge!

Get started

Get  started .

First get a Slack invite to Labs4grabs workspace where you'll be able to start Kubernetes challenges from.

Accept the Slack invite and check your email for a password reset link to

Join Labs4grabs Slack.

You now have access to Kubernetes labs on Labs4grabs Slack workspace.

All done.

Start lab 
 challenges .

Once you've joined the Labs4grabs Slack workspace, you can start Kubernetes labs directly from Slack!

After launching a lab, connect to it from your terminal using either the public kubeconfig or the SSH private key file, both of which are shared in the Slack message thread.

GIF showing how to navigate and start Kubernetes lab challenges on the platform.
How it works

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